Brings the List window to the front. Turns the Drawing Object on and off and activates the drawing tools. Objects that are on will print. This object contains all the rectangles, circles and lines drawn on this template. Turns the Picture object on and off. Objects that are on will print. You can paste pictures from the Scrapbook or use Get Picture. Prints MacPaint, PICT, or EPS pictures. Turns the Icon object on and off. Objects that are on will print. Icons are small graphics; use Get Icon to get an icon and Edit Icon to edit an icon. Turns the USPS Barcode object on and off. Objects that are on will print. The Postal Service uses barcodes to speed the delivery of your mail. Turns the Sequence object on and off. Objects that are on will print. Double-click the Sequence object to specify a sequence. Turns the Message object on and off. Objects that are on will print. The message object prints the same text on each label. Turns the Spine object on and off. Objects that are on will print. The first line of the Address object becomes the Spine object. Turns Address object on and off. Objects that are on will be printed. The Address object is hot-linked to the List window. Use the arrow tool to select object on the label template. Use the Rectangle Tool to add rectangles to your label template. To Activate this tool, turn the Drawing object on. Use the Round Rectangle Tool to add round-corner rectangles to your label template. To Activate this tool, turn the Drawing object on. Use the Circle Tool to add circles to your label templates. To Activate this tool, turn the Drawing object on. Use the Line Tool to add lines to your label templates. To Activate this tool, turn the Drawing object on. Brings the currently selected object to the front. Option-click moves within rectangles, circles, and lines only. Use the Hand Tool to drag, resize, and reposition objects on your template. Use the Lines pop-up menu to set the thickness of the lines the pen draws. Select an object and then this menu to change the line width of the selected object. Use the Pen Pattern pop-up to set the pattern that the pen will draw in. Select an object and then this menu to change the line pattern of the selected object. Use the Color pop-up to set the color that the pen draws and fills objects with. Select an object and then this menu to change the color of the selected object. Use to send the currently selected object to the back. Option-click affects rectangles, circles, and lines only. Use the Fill Pattern pop-up to set the pattern the pen fills objects with. Select an object and then this menu to change the fill pattern of the selected object. Lets you edit an icon you retrieved with Get Icon. Gets an icon from a file you specify. Icons are special graphics like the Trash can. Icons can be found in almost every application. (Try HyperCard!) Draws the picture in its original size. Only the part within the Picture object is drawn. Scales the picture to the size of the picture object while retaining the proportions of the original picture. No distortion. Scales the picture to exact size of the Picture object. Some distortion may occur. Imports a picture from a user specified file. Picture can be MacPaint, PICT, or EPS. Prints an outline around each label. Useful for checking dimensions of templates and adjusting alignment. Draws a dashed rectangle around the template. Everything inside the rectangle will be printed. Sets the position of the USPS Barcode. These are the positions specified by the Postal Service. Sets the parameters for the Sequence object. Sorts the current list. Finds an entry in the current list. Sets the color of the currently selected text object: Address, Spine, Message, or Sequence. Opens an existing templates file and reads its templates into the Templates menu. Creates a new and empty templates file. Allows you to modify or delete the current template. Creates a new label template in the current templates file. The measurements of the new template are the same as those of the currently selected template. Prints an order form or catalog request for Vertical Solutions' products. Prints all the items in the List. If the list continues, then all the remaining items in the list are automatically loaded and printed. Prints the currently selected items from the List window. Saves the contents of the List window. Closes the front window. Opens a text file for importing. Text file must be tab or comma delimited. Variable number of fields per record OK. Creates a new entry in the list and copies the previous entry into it. Creates a new, blank entry in the list and makes the Address object the current object. Clears all the items in the List window. This is Undoable.